Free Printable Calendars

Computer Printer Picture Graphics : Printable Calendars : Birthday Calendars

Free printable calendars that you can use for home, office, or anytime. Use a free printable calendar for appointments, birthdays, holiday, dieting progress, tasks, etc.

Print the charts and then place them in a sheet protector for use. Write on, wipe off and hang anywhere. Remember to set your printer margins to "0" when printing.

School Year Calendars
Here are a couple of handy calendars for use in school by parents, teachers or homeschoolers.

School Year Calendar (2016 Jul - 2017 Jun) *New
School Year Calendar (2016 Jan-Dec) *New

School Days Calendar (Year)

2016 Monthly Calendars *New

These are popular calendars to keep track of various things each month.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

2015 Monthly Calendars

These are popular calendars to keep track of various things each month.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

2014 Monthly Calendars

These are popular calendars to keep track of various things each month.

January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Birthday Calendars

Each year we need to keep track of birthdays of our family and friends. With these birthday calendars, you can list names on the day a person's birthday falls on.

Birthday Calendar (1/2 or Fold)
Blank Birthday Calendar

February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December

Weekly Notes

Time With Loved Ones

It's so easy to get caught up in the daily activities of everyday life. Especially when you are trying to make ends meet financially. Life is so precious and short. Make sure to share time with people you love (family and friends).

Share Time Calendar | Share Time Daily Details

Give your child a chance to jot down things they want to do with you or other loved ones in their family.

Things I Want To Do With Mommy Chart
Things I Want To Do With Daddy Chart

Things I Want To Do With _____ Chart

Regular Calendar

Blank this in for any year. Can be used for school year calendars or just every day.

Calendar (Blank)

Other Month and Year Calendars

Monthly Tasks Calendar

Activity Calendars

Useful for some folks who need to jot down quick notes about activities happening in the week or month.

Activities Chart (Week)
Activities Chart (Week - Long)
Activities Chart (Month)

Family Calendar 
Any Calendar